Frustrated :/


Alright ladies, my little girl, 2 months old tomorrow by the way. Has basically yelled at me nonstop for the past 2 days. She cat naps for like 20 minutes at a time, sort of grazes on her bottles (a couple ounces then stops and yells some more). If I'm not holding her she is screaming basically, but if I have her with me she seems ok. I have gone back to work recently and I work 12 hour days. I don't know if she's just missing her mom and wants to be with me all the time that I'm home. I love her and wish I could spend all day with her every day, but when I am home it just seems like nothing gets done unless I do it and I can't because she screams unless I'm sitting on the couch with her. I tried the carrier even and she's calm but she won't relax that way either. I've also read that early teething is hereditary and my husband did everything early as a baby, she also has other signs of cutting teeth early, I really hope I'm wrong but I'm afraid we're staring down the barrel of that gun already.. I'm tired and frustrated. Not with her of course, I'm just frustrated that I can't make her feel better..