Am I Wrong!?!?

Adrianne • 💕Young&&Beautiful💕 3 previous miscarriages and 2 ectopic. Pregnant 🌈👶 Due March 2020❤️❤️💋

I apologise this is going to be a long post. Sorry it's all over the place I hope you can follow what I am saying. Just alot going on in 5 years.

me and my boyfriend have been together for about five years and he is my first real long serious relationship. We both have history of infidelity and the relationship his infidelity ended in a child. Which has been the hardest thing to deal with as we have been through 2 ectopic pregnancies.

I've been dealing with my fertility issues and he has been supportive of it and we want kids together someday. But what brings about this post is wether or not I should continue with the relationship. With the child he has he has never truly tried to make me feel comfortable with the situation. Like I don't know who the girl is he has a child with. I only have a name. He goes out of his way to keep the whole situation separate from me.

Like the girl will call multiple times when she does call. I've told him that I don't like it and it's not necessary for her to do that if his child isn't hurt or anything of that sort. I know he's not the best about answering his phone but to call 6 times in a row is just excessive.

There was a time were we lived in separate states. Due to me losing my place and going to live my mom to try to get my back on feet and having to go care for my mom who has terminal health condition. But when I came to visit him his daughter let it slip that he was giving her mom rides to and from work. Which I was not comfortable with. I understand they have child together but I feel his responsibility is to child not the mother.

We argued about it and he didn't feel like it was an issue but I told him if you couldn't come to me and tell me about it then you knew it was going to be an issue. He only has his daughter 1 day out of the week as he works 6 days a week. When he has his daughter he stays at his parents house with her.

When I first met his daughter who is 3 she asked who I was and instead of saying this is my girlfriend or my future wife (because he goes around saying we're engaged but he has never formally proposed) he told his daughter I am his sister which hurt me. I feel that after 5 year's I deserve correct title to his daughter.

Then the other issue is I moved back to where he was under the pretense that we were going to move into an apartment together. I've moved back and moved in but he has not. He is still living with his parents. He says i have clothes over here so he is moved in somewhat. But in reality he has 3 shirts and a pair of shorts here. So he stays between the two places. He pays rent here and at his parents house which is rediclous to me. His excuse for staying at his parents is because he helps his mom and takes her back and forth to work as his parents are married and live together but the operate as a divorce couple.

Before I knew about his daughter he hid that the he was video chatting the the mother and so when she would call to video chat he would ignore the call when he was around me. He would tell me that it was a friend from his home town in the Virgin islands. He accidentally answered one night and I saw her and the child and even then he tried to lie until I told him stop lying I know what my eyes saw. Then while I lived outta state he liked about picking up the child.

We would video chat and I would see the car seat in the background and he would like about whose car seat it was saying it belonged to his friend who was dating a girl who had child but they didn't have a car so he would give them rides. I actually got proof that it was his and he was picking up his child by a picture his mother posted (at the time I still didn't know the child was his he was hiding and lying)

I've forgiven the lying and the cheating but I can't help but feel like maybe I am wasting my time and I should move on at times but then I think about how much I do love and care for him but I wonder if he has that same love for me? I know when I found out that he may have a child someone else and I told him if it was his I would leave but I tried my best to work through it but I struggle everyday.

I've hinted and said I want to get married. That I am ready for marriage but he has yet to propose or even get a ring. He's definitely not the super romantic type and I've accepted that but I feel after 5 years I deserve more of a commitment. But yet to have it and just get the run around and told I will marry you and I'm working on getting you a ring.

Am I crazy!?? Am I wrong for staying should I run for hills?! My family doesn't feel like he will ever commit and that I should move on. But I do love and care for him very much. What should I do?