
I cannot STAND the way my boyfriend handles things. He is so manipulative.... he criticizes me 24/7 and it severely pisses me off. When I get mad when he criticizes me he acts like I’m getting mad for no reason.... like how would you feel if I nit picked your every move. Then he will NOT speak for the rest of the night if I confront him. If I wanna speak then I have to be the one to apologize, I’m so tired of it. I’m soooooooooooo soo tired of it. I don’t wanna break up with him because I love him and we have been together for 2 years but I seriously don’t know what to do. I feel like if I asked for a break then he would not try to get me back and I really don’t want to be broken up. I always try to talk to him about my feelings and concerns and he never takes me seriously, it’s in one ear and out the other. He does not value my feelings any more. I can’t take it I don’t deserve this