I need my husbands support...

My LO is 2 weeks old and my husband has recently started criticizing everything I do as far as my parenting.

Blames me for “waking him up” when all I did was stuck his pacifier back in his mouth when he whimpered for it. Gets mad when I ask him to fix a bottle so it will be ready when he wakes since it’s time for him to eat. Says I’m spoiling him because I’ll hold him instead of laying him down when he’s sleeping.

I’m the one who stays up with him all night so he can sleep for work. I’m the one who hasn’t left home in two weeks because I stay with our son 24/7 and take care of him. The only time he has to take care of him is when I beg for a couple hours sleep on the weekends or after he’s home from work. And then complains because I ask for sleep.

I’m not sure what to do or what to say to him to make him understand how I feel without pissing him off. I’m exhausted, I need sleep, I need a shower, I need understanding and support, I need someone to tell me I’m a good mom and doing the best I can with my first child despite all of this.