Feeling down and really upset

Courtney • Mother of 6 beautiful kids ❤️ ❤️

Rant: Have to come on here to vent because I can’t on my Facebook page...I am so SICK AND TIRED of my kids father!!! I have 2 kids that aren’t his (their father passed away) and I have 3 by him...he is an absolute JERK! I don’t even know where to begin...we own a house and he refuses to fix anything around here (he fixes up houses for a living!!🙄🙄) he is never here, and half the time he’s not working he’s in fact out with his friends riding bikes and smoking weed...leaves me here with the kids. I NEVER, I meanNEVERRR get to go out with friends because-you guesses it!! He’s never home to relieve me of the kids! Here I am 9 months pregnant about to give birth any day now and he won’t lift a finger to help, he won’t even answer the damn phone when I call him so he’ll if he knows when I go into labor!!.....so I’m sitting here still doing all the dishes, laundry, kid duty, and did I mention I’m in school and working when I’m not home.....he doesn’t spend a dime on the kids or the house, it’s all his money is his money...I want kick his ass out so bad problem is that his mom watches the kids for me while I’m in school (I do night school so there’s no day cares open past 630) and once we break up she won’t do shit for me or the kids...I basically need him til school is over...I am SO FRUSTRATED, and yes I’ve discussed this over and over and over he obviously doesn’t give a flying FUCK about me because if he did he would change his ways!!