Raped and confused

This happened in January 2018 and iv struggled for over a year I went to a party and went up stairs and got pulled into a room with three men in there and a woman then they took there turn and the woman was there filming I felt so ashamed and scared I wa crying non stop I thought it was all my fault like maybe I ‘asked for it’ anyways many people watched this video and I started to get a lot of hate and name calling and iv only just recently told my mum and I’m so scared as I have 5 brothers and if they see this video my life will be over one of the men that assaulted me goes to my college and has threatened me multiple times iv been hit by him multiple times as he thought I told the police I don’t know what to do anymore help

I have the video and messages of what I have revived and photos of bruising and marks but what if it was my fault I don’t know what to do