Decided to announce today since our ultrasound went so well!


We accidentally found out I am having a son! We saw an unmistakable penis/testicles etc. I was able to get a DVD recording, too! He was sleeping the whole time, except for one little kick when I jolted. I am so over the moon.

I decided to use two onesies that were gifted to us. The first one is a cute one with our last name from a dear friend, and the second is the Appalachian Trail symbol on a white blaze (a blaze is a rectangle of paint that marks a hiking trail, usually on trees). My husband and I met while separately thruhiking the entirety of the AT in 2016 from Georgia to Maine; we began hiking together around the 500 mile mark, finished the rest of the trail together (total of 2,189 miles over the course of 6.5 months) and he proposed on the very last mountain. So needless to say, we are not afraid of dirt in this family and can’t wait to have an outdoorsy baby!