Ovulation Test Question - Need Help!

Hi all - this is my second cycle TTC #1 and my ovulation tests are confusing me. I have a 28 day cycle and I have been super regular my whole life, AF always starts on the day I expect it. Last month I tried OPKs for the first time and it worked out great...I got a 10 pack of digitals and I got a positive for ovulation on day 14. Pretty textbook. Since I had my answer from last month and because I am so regular, I opted for some cheapies this month to save some money but to keep tracking. But these tests are not showing what I would expect. Based on my results last month I would have expected to ovulate this month on 9/22, but as you can see from the picture I still haven't gotten a positive. Does anybody have opinions based on this pic? Has anyone used the Easy@home brand from Amazon? Does anyone out there have a super regular cycle but has noticed they ovulate on different days from cycle to cycle? If I don't get pregnant this month I will go back to digital OPKs and start tracking my temp, but I just need to know what to make of these results/tests! Help please!