Normal or Not..... A little TMI No picture

Meghan • Mrs.Shaw❤️❤️❤️

So for the past 6 days I've had brown blood like a normal period but instead of it being red it's brown now this has never happened I've never had brown bleeding and my period has never lasted 6 days it only last 3 but that's it now I looked it up and it says that its normal at the beginning of your period or the end well the thing is i don't know if its a period because its brown not red it's only when I wipe and its only on my pad its not on the toilet and its light not heavy like my normal period... I havent had any cramping like i would if I'm on my period so idk if its my period or something else I am just getting over a bad UTI... So is it my period or what should I be worried should I see a Dr....