Messy Friendship


This is kind of a long story but I’m going to try to condense it.

So I (F,16) am friends with this couple, L (F,16) and D (M,16). During eighth grade and freshman year, D and I were super close and flirted with each other all the time (I’d play with his hair, he’d buy me stuff, lay on me etc.) and he told me that he liked me. I very obviously had feelings for him as well, but he didn’t notice, seeing as I told him that I used to like him during eighth grade and he was surprised🤦‍♀️. Eventually, he started dating L, a girl that i’m really close with. A couple months before they started dating, D and I stopped being flirty and were just normal friends, we didn’t like each other anymore. I like them together, except now I think I have a crush on D again🙄. This is going to sound really bad but sometimes he playfully touches my legs or stares at me, and I think there’s a chance he might like me. D and I are planning on hanging out soon, but I keep feeling like I’m going behind L’s back even though I’m not, she even knows we’re going to hangout. What should I do about this whole situation? I really like having them both as friends, and the 3 of us get along so well :)