So lost...

Megan • • 30 • Mommy to 2 little girls, one baby boy, and two angel babies 💗💗💙🤍🤍 • 💍 02.07.14 • Pa • SAHM • Reiki Practitioner • Small Business Owner •

So I had a d&c a week and a half ago for a molar pregnancy. Everything was so stressful leading up to it I didn’t have time to process everything. I am finally starting to feel better psychically but now it’s really starting to hit me mentally. I have so many friends announcing that they are pregnant and a few friends that are pregnant and due soon and I am truly happy for them. I really am. It’s just so hard for me to not be upset at the same time. I feel like a terrible person because of that. On top of it all we have to wait a year before we can ttc again. I have some health issues that make it harder for me to get pregnant. It took 2 and a half years to get pregnant this last time. I have people telling me it will happen when it’s supposed to and I know they are just trying to help but it doesn’t 😓. I guess I just needed to vent a little. What are some ways you ladies dealt with a loss?