Kissed him on the 3rd date?🤔🤔

I’m seeing this guy and we’ve been on three really great dates! He initiates every date and texts me everyday, But the first two dates only ended with a hug. I went on the third date today and I wanted to see if we had some sexual chemistry so when he was going in for a hug while we were saying goodbye, I said “ohhh hell no” and I kissed him. When I pulled away, I said “I’m sorry, I was just super curious” his response? “Woah, that was fast” and he was bright red from blushing.

Was I too forward? should I text him...? I’m really used to men making the first move on the first/second date, so I thought it was weird that nothings happened yet. I’m just afraid I ruined it with this guy, cause i really like him🤷‍♀️