Do you believe in signs

I dreamt that I was in labor giving birth. But I wasn’t in a hospital. I was in a bed so I think I was in a birthing center. And the nurse kept checking me and I wasnt 10cm dilated yet but the nurse said I was coming up on the 24 hour mark. and I said “I thought you were going to let me labor as long as I want as long as I keep progressing”, but the nurse said they can’t take chances. So that means that they were going to transfer to the hospital. And I didn’t want that so I asked her to check me one more time so she did and she said I was finally 10cm so she went somewhere but I felt like I needed to push so I put my hand down there and felt the head so then I got out of bed and squatted down on the floor and start pushing the baby out on my own and then the baby came out and the nurse took the baby from me to go clean it and then I get back in the bed. And then my mom comes over holding the baby and and she says “I have a princess for you” and I started crying and said can I see her and then my mom went to hand her to me and my alarm went off for work before I could see her face 😑

But then I shut my alarm off to see if I could go back to the dream but I didn’t. Instead I was driving with my sister, who passed away, and we were driving to my old house and I was telling her about my dream about having a baby and I remember telling her that I couldn’t remember if I had the baby in March or May but I remember the ma- in the baby’s birth date. And she said it was March. I think it’s a sign. I really hope it’s a sign!!!

For some reason March 4th sticks out in my brain. So that means for a March baby. We have to conceive in June! Maybe this month is the month!!!