Am I overreacting?

Yesterday, my husband(24) myself(22) and my two sisters were at Target picking up a few thing my mother asked for before taking them home. My husband was pushing the cart and I was maybe two step behind listening to my youngest sister tell me something about her teacher.

A group of three other girls (19 at most) walked by between my husband and I and one commented on his shirt saying “I like your shirt”

(It was an Undertake shirt WWE).

He said “thank you, he’s making an appearance tomorrow night.”

They continue walking over toward the women’s clothing, he proceeds to stop pushing the cart in the middle of the isle and follows her trying to talk to her.

That’s what pissed me off. She made one comment and he took as drop everything your doing and come talk me. My one sister gave me a side glance (the wtf look).

Us thee kept walking and went to check out. I didn’t say anything in store or in front of my sisters. After we dropped them off I brought up how it upset me how he acted in target. Following some other woman trying to talk to her after she made a passing by comment about his shirt.

He tried to say he walked over there because he saw a sale on shirt for 3 for 9 (lie). The section they walked into was the petite section ( I am plus sized) he was flat out trying to have a conversation with this woman who wanted no part of it,

he knew what he was doing and tried to lie his way out and doesn’t understand why it upset me.

If I had done some shit like that he would be furious.

Am I justified for being upset? He says I’m overreacting.

He has NEVER done something like this before I was in shock