Procrastinating baby proofing...

Lisa • Mommy to miss Penny Lane🎼💗🌹 8/4/18 and to two fur babies Link🐾 and Logan😸

Anyone else with me?😂

My girl turns 10 months tomorrow, and I have not baby proofed a SINGLE thing. In my defense, she’s not crawling, but she does scoot on her butt and back everywhere. And she just started standing a couple of weeks ago, and just super recently started pulling herself up on our coffee table. We need like 4-5 baby gates, and soooo many outlet protectors and corner protectors for things. I’m just enjoying the fact that I haven’t had to worry about it, but I feel like I should probably get on it here ASAP haha.

Do y’all have any links to super affordable foldable baby gates? Or the ones that open like a door? I am buying the full baby proofing kit off Amazon, but still searching for gates. Thanks ladies!🧡💕