Mixed emotions..

Me and my bf have been together for 2 1/2 years and we had never had a fight until about 6 months ago when I cheated on him (yes I’m a horrible person) nevertheless he took me back and forgave me but we have been at each other’s throats ever since. I love him (I realize that some of you think if I really loved him I wouldn’t have cheated and I realize that to) regardless of us fighting constantly we have those good days that are better than before that makes me feel like we have a stronger bond but then we go back to fighting over tiny things that shouldn’t matter. I don’t know what to do to help us stop fighting but I’ve tried and tried to think before I speak and ask myself if what we are fighting over will ever matter. On top of that we are both moving off to different colleges about 3-4 hours away from each other. Please give me some advice to fix this before we are apart and it gets worse to the point that we break up.