She’s here!!! 35 weeks 4 days


This sweet little girl has been trying her best to make her debut since she was just 33 weeks. Thankfully, the doctors were able to keep her cooking...until today. She was born at 8:41pm on 6/3 weighing 5 pounds 10 ounces and is 18 inches long. She is spending a little time in the NICU as they’re trying to stabilize her temp and blood sugars, but they don’t seem too worried, so I’m trying not to be!

This has been a crazy two weeks, and what I originally planned to be a c-section quickly turned into a vaginal delivery when things were progressing so quickly.

With her in the NICU, it seems sort of surreal right now. I’m hoping to see her again soon so I can start accepting that it is all really happening!!!

Please say hello to Ms. Angelina.