When I have my baby...

Kenzie 💖💙

I don't want balloons, teddies and stacks of Celebrations chocolates filling up my house. Not to sound ungrateful but I don't even want that hamper of bath bombs because what mum has time for baths with two young kids? I don't want advice about my baby's peeling skin or his cradle cap. I don't want to see you pinching the tip of his nose trying to sharpen it because you think it's "too flat" (cultural thing!). I don't want to be told to "bathe him every day" or when to feed him. I don't care that you think he's crying because of hunger, even though I fed him 16 seconds ago - babies cry for various reasons. I don't need you to adjust him in his cot after I took hours to put him to sleep because you think he's going to get a flat head from laying on his back. And shiiiiittttt, don't burst into my room, uncover us and watch over me while trying to get him to latch. IT. IS. AWKWARD.

Instead of opinions, bring food - actual food I can eat to keep up energy (not chocolates and bottles of Shloer). Bring good, helpful conversation and not "advice"; maybe an extra pair of hands to help with the dishes/laundry - I'd be forever grateful. Don't come expecting catering - maybe offer me a cuppa instead, or offer to feed my toddler. Don't comment on my scruffy appearance or postpartum belly - I know I was a size 4-6 before birth and have pictures to prove it ☹ Instead, insist on holding him while I take a 10 min shower just to refresh...or simply offer to straighten my hair while I cuddle my bundle of joy haha oh and these eyebags? Yes, they ARE due to lack of sleep - you don't need to point them out while I already feel exhausted and shit about myself.

I had so many opinions rammed down my throat with my first born, it actually scares me to allow people in to the first 4 weeks of my postpartum life with my 2nd ☹ I had many comments, winces and "advice" about my daughter's cradle cap (as a FTM), it still annoys me 3 years later, LOL.

Due 12th July 💙