Trust your gut!


This is going to be long so bare with me.

6 weeks ago I went into the emergency room due to not being able to eat or drink anything and feeling not myself at all. Spent about 4 hours there monitoring baby and getting 2 bags of iv fluids pushed thru me. Blood work etc. to be given anti vomit meds and told nothing was wrong...

Fast forward 6 weeks and I started feeling back contractions.. and vomiting.. went in again and demanded I get some answers.

Monitored for what seemed like forever. They kept saying they weren’t seeing the contractions, the nurse (very sweet by the way) said she was going to change out the monitor to see what was going on.

Thank the lord, they finally started to show! (I wasn’t crazy) got meds to stop labor and two more bags of iv fluid. The SAME doctor I seen 6 weeks ago came in and said maybe you just need to poop or drink more water because constipation and dehydration can cause you to have contraction.. 🙄 I knew this couldn’t be right I told him there has to be something else please find an answer.

He starts to push on my belly and feel when I had a contraction.. that’s when we found an answer. He pushed down on the top right of my uterus and lemme tell ya it hurt!

Called in the ultrasound tech and low and behold.. I have a HUGE (Very huge!) stone in my gallbladder taking up about 2/3 of my gallbladder. At this point the stone is so large there is absolutely no way that it will break down and pass. I’m 31 weeks and some days so at this point I would need what’s called a open surgery to have the whole gallbladder removed. I was given two options 1- do the surgery and have it removed now with an extremely high chance of causing labor and a lot of other problems 2- an extremely strict diet as to not “help” the stone get any bigger.

Although the diet won’t help it get smaller it may help it to not grow as if it is to grow, it could rupture and cause me to go septic..

my boyfriend and I decided to keep it in right now and try the diet as we both agree any extra time babe has to grow is worth it...

Had the doctor listened to me 6 weeks ago we may not be in this situation and the stone could have been much smaller and we could have tried medication to make it smaller and break up..

the ignorant doc told me it’s basically my fault that he didn’t check before because I eat healthy and had I have come in with pain after eating a greasy burger 6 weeks ago he would have known to check 🤦🏼‍♀️

Anyways. Now I have to stay on a crazy diet and if it is to get bigger even with the diet and becomes too dangerous or cause too many problems we will need to be induced and have my babe early and get the surgery done..

If you feel like something is wrong listen to that intuition and be seen. Demand answers! After all. You know your body more than anyone else.