Have y’all heard about Eugenia cooney?!?

If you guys don’t know her she used to be a very anorexic she is a YouTuber who has been off line for the past 4 months and we now find out that she has been in rehab and I’m just so proud of how far she has come. I would like to also say that I in no way support eating disorders but I do support getting the help that you need if you need help here at some numbers to call

eating disorder hotlines:



Link to website:


Suicide prevention hotline:


This is her before:

(this is the only picture I could stomach, if you need more proof of how bad it really was just look her up on google or YouTube)

And this her most recent photo:

It may look like nothing to you but compared to her other pictures this is a HUGE change I’m so proud that she finally got the help she needed. Her transformation is truly inspiring❤️

Again I’d like to say that if you need help there will always be someone there to help and if you see someone that needs help please do tell someone, even if you turn out to be wrong at least you did the right thing and was being a good friend

Take care everyone❤️