Ungrateful little B****es

Every day I see posts on here a few relationship apps/sites I'm on about women bashing their SO's over stupid little things that honestly do not make sense to me.
A few weeks ago someone posted complaining because her husband left his cologne in her bathroom... Seriously?
Another post I saw was a women ranting because her fiancée was mad she didn't clean up the apartment. Lady clearly said she didn't work, they had no kids and no pets. He was at work all day. What are you complaining about lady?!?! You don't work! He's out there working his ass off to provide for you!! Do you not realize just how hard it is to live on one income today?!?! If you don't want to be responsible for cleaning up get a damn job and contribute!!! 
It's stuff like these posts that really make me wonder what exactly do these women want??!! Do you expect him to be on bended knee 24/7 while you sit on your ass and not do anything? 
Sorry, I just had to rant.