Spitting up?


How much are you LOs spitting up? My baby didn’t spit up at all like the first two weeks. I think he started a little bit on the 3rd just a few times of small chunks. Then the 4th week he started spitting up a lot. I noticed a change in my milk around that time and my breasts are more full between despite no real change in feeding routine. Maybe he’s getting too much of the initial milk and filling his belly up to the point he spits up? He’s gained a lot of weight and become super chunky. This week (5th week) he’s started to get wound up during feedings and I can tell he’s gulping/getting a lot of air so of course he’s burping/spitting up more because of that. I don’t know if this is all normal or if his tummy is bothering him or if my milk is bothering him. Even just laying down after burping he’ll start grunting and moving his body/tightening his tummy and works himself up and will spit up.