This is my Life


I woke up today and I went through my usual routine of making up stories about what my life could be like and living in fantasy but I was just watching tv and I started thinking when am I going to live in reality. I don’t know when I started this cycle but it ends today. I don’t care what anybody thinks of me because I am a beautiful, smart, and strong young woman who is going to change this world in a million different ways that no one but me would have ever dreamed of. I’m sick of the pretending and feeling insecure. Honestly I’m very confident but I think I saw everyone around me hating parts of themselves that I had too and I thought that those parts were bad. I’m done with that. I’m gonna to make this next year my year. I’m going to look in the mirror everyday and say I love everything and if I want to change something that I can. Not through surgery and filters but through my own hard work and dedication. I am taking control of my life again and nothing is going to stop me and I’m not gonna stop until the day I die. I feel amazing. This is my life and I’m going to live it to the fullest. I’m braver than anyone believes. I’m smarter than anyone can comprehend, and my soul is more beautifully made than anything else in my life. The same goes for everyone of you. DON’T LET OTHERS STOP YOU!!! Live your life and have no regrets it may be scary so don’t look down, look straight where you want to go. This is how my life is going to be lived I hope you can join me.

Message me if you wanna talk.