Its hard to make your heart understand đź’”


Today we where soppost to pick up my step son... and ended up not doing so which sucks... i love him so much n it just sucks to know that that little boy isnt mine it hurts when i have to say bye because we have to drop him off. He fills me with so much joy and that wanting to be a mommy feeling he makes me feel like a mother. I didnt get to see him foday and it trigger something inside that just i feel sad. His little hugs his little kisses make me feel like i can do this. I love him so much and i thank god for having him in my life because hes helping me with this heart ache. I have been in his life since he was 2years and 2 months now hes going to turn 7 in December♥️ and i look at him n its like im looking at my own kid growing up so fast and right infront my eyes. Thank you god for my step son and for allowing me to have such a wonderful relationship with him and for letting us love eachother and for giving that little boy, my little boy the strength and love Ive been needing ♥️ thought i would share this with yall...