Calling fashionistas!! Your challenge awaits ;)


Straight to it, I’m looking for a mentor to help me create a long-time-coming, rising-from-the-ashes-like-a-phoenix moment for myself. I grew up a tomboy child of a tomboy mother, crazy for guys but rebellious against makeup and dresses and putting effort into my hair aside from ponytails. Cut to my 29th birthday and a few years of trying to just figure it out myself and I pray my girls will have friends who can help them with the basics that I’m just now trying to figure out.

If anyone would be willing to help me figure out ways to make my wardrobe work for me beyond the potential I’ve almost tried to pull out of it, I would be incredibly grateful! I can’t afford to go out and buy a ton of designer clothes so please don’t make that suggestion. Lol I could invest in a new key piece here or there though.

Also, makeup. Currently I wear eyeliner only. And while I’m not really interested in learning how to contour (God bless Sailor J), I would like to have a better handle on simple but cute makeup styles that I could actually apply to myself. I’m a writer, people, not a painter.

So, any volunteers? Anyone up to being the Cinna to my Katniss? :)