V discouraged:(

Im 18 and im currently 20 weeks pregnant, me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 3 years and we went to the hospital to get an ultrasound to get an abortion, and we walked out attached. im very very scared and I need some help. I dont know how to tell my family, and i dont want them to disown me. but I love my baby boy already and i cant wait to meet him. I guess I just need advice and coping skills?? please help me, ive been a mess the past 2 days because I have no clue what to do. I wasnt planning on keeping it so I havent been taking the proper care or myself , or the baby so im scared it could turn out bad. and I just want it to be perfect. ive been smoking weed which has helped a lot with morning sickness and my appetite, and I have been vaping. im so scared. please help me !!!