I have a question for all you ladies who have lost a significant amount of weight or people who simply turned to healthier living. I’ve learned that the fad diets and get skinny quick stuff will go to bite you in the butt, and it definitely did for me.

I had started the HCG diet sometime last year. I started at 230ish and got down as low as 170 in the matter of a few months. For those who aren’t familiar with it, it’s a very extreme low intake diet accompanied with HCG injections and appetite suppressants. The idea of it is that you have two loading days (you inject the first two days and eat WHATEVER you want) then you go on the strict diet. Which I had done very well on, but once it came time to cease (your body will build a tolerance, the HCG prevents your body from deteriorating your muscle and just using body fat) I slowly began to gain it back then got to a whopping 265 in a short time frame as well. I’ve NEVER been this big and it’s super unflattering because I myself am just 5’.

So here’s my question, for the people who did things the right way by changing to a healthier lifestyle, what got you started? Where did you find the information for beginning workouts and what foods to eat? By no means am I a picky eater, it’s just I can never figure out what foods to put together to make a great meal. As for workouts, I’ve tried in the past but when the soreness comes I don’t tolerate the pain as well probably because I’ve lived a sedentary life my whole life. (I’m young though, I’m 21) but I’ve never learned the “proper” way to work out either.

What did you do to start, and what did you do to keep you motivated and to continue to progress?

Sorry if this post seems scattered. I’m not quite great at writing things.