

Not sure but I think my temping was suspect last cycle. I had a coverline/o day on May 25 (CD12) then FF took it away. The two highest temps were taken 3+ hours later than usual... But I kind of feel like at least some of the normal time temps were possibly higher than they could have been due to waking up a bit, the dog jumping on me, etc.

Honestly thought the dips then light AF(?) were implantation but got a BFN yesterday at 12DPO. Which I actually thought was 13DPO. And didn't use FMU. Really wasn't counting on a positive.... Odds of having tested too early are slim to none, right? 😕

This cycle so far, the first one at 97.9 was my 6:00 temp time that seemed to not work... The two at 97.4 I woke with an alarm at 4:55am. Went to bed early last night, woke at 3:30 and temped 97.0 (which I recorded) then skipped the 4:55 alarm and went back to sleep till 5:30... and when I woke then, it was 97.9! Granted I'm not using a real bbt thermometer but I'm trying much harder to temp at the same time, or at least the first time I wake up.

Anyone have any thoughts? 😕