Positive PT after miscarriage 🚨long post🚨


I had a miscarriage may 6th. I had my HCG checked may 9th they were at 150. May 13th I stopped bleeding. May 17th I took a pregnancy test it came back a clear negative (no questions about it)

I've been taking ovulation test since I got my negative just trying to see what my body has in store for me. The last 3 days I have had blazing positives on my OPKs and I've been having CRAZY ass dreams sooooo I figured why not take a pregnancy test(just because) I have a billion cheapies. Well ladies and gents it came out positive!!! I took three, all positive. I'm a month out from my MC. Hubs and I have not been care as there was no need to according to my Dr. I am elated yet also soooooo anxious. I don't want to get my hopes up again. I keep questioning whether or not this could be a false positive. But I got a pretty clear negative after my MC and my HCG was already really low before that. Idk I'm confused I know I know the only way to know for sure is to go see my OB or get a blood test but I want to wait at least another week. Does that make sense? I sure could use some prayer right now!! Thank You All!!

Also I feel I should add I did go out and got a FR it came back positive as well