Please don't judge me...


I'm 29 weeks and I can't standddd my dogs. I used to be such an animal person and actually broke up with a guy in the past because he was too snooty about animals. But now it's like a switch has been flipped and I see all of the loose dog hair, I hear how loud they are so much more, I can smell how bad they smell (especially our senior dog, it seems like I could bath her 1000x and she'd still stink) I think about how angry I'd be if I ever found a single flea bite on my baby or if they licked her in the face. I spend all day long obsessing about the cleanliness of our house and will cry uncontrollably because it feels like it's never going to be what I want it to be for my baby. It has really caused me to resent my dogs. I asked my fiance if we could keep them gated off in one part of the house until my sudden OCD has calmed down but he acts like I'm so cruel for it. He's the kind of person that lets them on the couch and sit right next to his face while he's eating. It drives me crazy. Does anyone else suddenly feel this way?