Periods after miscarriage

Bekah • BFP 03.03.15 MC 04.07.15 BFP#2 04.08.16 -praying for our Rainbow; all while working in a daycare
Just a quick question about when everyone's period had gone back to 'normal / regular' 
It's been about 5 months since then, and it's still slightly all over the place (early by 2 days, late by 4) but this period, my symptoms have been all over the place.. Usually I stop eating/don't feel hungry.. Have hard times passing bowel movements... Very gassy.. Etc 
I bleed very heavily for the first two days (super tampin every hour/hour and a half) then it tappers off for about 3 more days after that.. But not too heavy. 
But this month, super sad, eating normally, bowel movements have been fine.. My first two days, not nearly as heavy as normal and now on my third day.. I take out my diva cup and there is like a drop after  5 hours without emptying it. 
I'm just confused and worried..?