When did you start making babies?


So, my hubby and I have been married for 4 1/2 years. We both have great careers and own our own house. Not that those many anything significant, my main point is that we are fully capable of starting a family.

We have been together since we were 16, and now we are 26. I have always been on birth control until this last fall because I truly felt like my body needed a break.

Last Christmas (2018), we had a pregnancy scare. This was the first time in my life. I was 7 days late. We weren’t preventing, and just using the pullout method (which I know isn’t a method of birth control that’s reliable) because we were okay with the fact if it happened it happened. During this time, my hubby truly let me know that he was okay with starting a family- on purpose or not.

Since then I sort of freaked out. We started using condoms. I stopped having sex during my widow of ovulation. I didn’t want anymore scares. I think it sort of scared me that he said he was okay with starting a family. Change is scary.

We have ALWAYS prevented. We started having sex at 16, when we started dating. Therefore, all I have known is prevention. Because of our age, and then we were in college, then we were wanting to enjoy our first years of marriage.. now we have no reason to prevent and it scares the SHIT out of me.

I want a family. I yearn for a family more than anything. I dream of having a baby in my belly and being a momma. But I’m scared. Why am I scared?!? I know there is never a perfect time, enough money, etc. I know these things. So what is my problem?

How do you know when it’s the right time to start truly trying? Or if it’s just my anxiety playing tricks on me?

Help! Those of you that have been in my shoes, please give me some advice that would calm my heart!