What does this mean?

Hello! I am 21 yrs old, and I’ve never been in a relationship before but lowkey am.

I am talking to this one guy: he’s 24 yrs old.

We started talking near the end of November 2018, and we hung out a couple times as well. We talked on the phone for 2-4 hours every other day, text and sent selfie almost everyday. Had my awkward first kissed in January (it wasn’t even a kiss, more like a peck because I was so nervous— embarrassing). Fast forward, we just started having protected sex last month of May.

Anyways, throughout those previous months that we had spent together, he is such a gentlemen, and I’ve never thought that I would fall in love with someone like him. Everything just happened so naturally. It all started with a text message. By the way, he is a close friend of my cousin so we’ve seen each other in person before it all started...

I didn’t have a crush on him or anything, but he makes me feel comfortable around him and thinking about him just makes me smile.

He’s been in a couple relationships before so he already knows what’s up. He stop dating for three years and viola he’s talking to me.

He is very patient with me. He’s teaching me what a typical gf would do and what couples do’s and don’t do’s. He want us to communicate and just be happy.

Now that we are so comfortable with each other, our true colors are beginning to show. I tend to get a lot of mood swings and I tend to pick a fight with him. He gets mad at me and I get mad for making him mad at me. We argue here and there but we get over it after a day or so. He’s very patient with me.

Anyway, I have friend and families that asked me if he’s my boyfriend. I don’t know how to answer them because he never really asked me out. I mean we both kissed, held hand, hung out, made out and now foreplaying/sex. So, basically, we are dating.

I joked with him and “seriously” asked him when will he ask me out. He told me that when we’re ready and know more about one another, we’ll start dating. I was confused.

Another day, I asked him that same question again and I was a little moody, too. He got mad and upset at me. He said that he likes me and he really loves me. Why do I like to complain and nag about stuff. Why am I so petty? And, he says that he sacrifices a lot of stuff for me. He asked for certain days off just to spend time with me. If I need anything, he gets it for me right away. He does everything for me and why am I being butthurt because he hasn’t asked me out. He said that he’s working on it and I should stop asking him that question because it’ll ruin everything. It’s already clear enough that I am his girl and that’s what he tells his friends... so, what else do I want from him....

A couple friends and families tell me that your first relationship doesn’t always work/ people come and go. and I told him that and he got upset at me and told me to never accept people’s comment and don’t let their words ruined our relationship. If they are your true friends and families, they would never say such things like that and they would be supporting you and give you good advices to support your relationship.

Well, I am kinda sad that he hasn’t asked me to be his gf but then again he is right, too. Hmmmph.

Okay. But, I feel really weird telling people that he’s my boyfriend when we’re not official but lowkey are... ahhhh.

I don’t deserve him at all. ❤️

but, what does it mean? Should I just wait and see? Let everything happen naturally? How was your first relationship?

*update: everyone (like my friends and families) and his friends knows that we are talking, hahah. It’s the fact that they asked me “are you guys official, yet?” 🤗