I cant take it anymore

I been with my boyfriend for a year in half we decided he would move in with me until we find a place together this is where i dont understand why he started acting like this but omg living with him is a different story i cant take it anymore the man wakes up in such a mad mood in the morning and complaints about everything now we cant go out b4 he starts complaining about something i hate the drama. We talked about this b4 he moved in but he never said he was like this every day. This shit is stressful as fuck yesterday was my breaking point this man had the balls to get up off of my bed n ask whats wrong with me im like um my back still hurts from Sat. This is what pissed me the fuck off that im over here pregnant and hes like get over it😱 say what bitch.... I said you know what im done im not gonna let u come to my house and complaine about every single thing and still tell me to get over my back pain. I cook for him i do all his shit and i dont get why he acts like this i told him he didn't have to pay everything in my house that we should go half n half. I dont do drugs drink or go out alot So what else does he want. Hes been staying with me since April n i seriously cant take the arguments everyday when he comes home from work