Would you be a little worried about your husband cheating?

I don't know if I'm just in my emotions this morning. I'm pregnant with our second son, I've definitely been more emotional this pregnancy.

Anyways, my husband works out of town a lot. He does rig moves for the oil field. For some reason randomly, he told me how a couple of the guys have been saying he flirts with the waitress, or vice versa. It just kinda rubbed me the wrong way because he swears he didn't flirt like the guys think he was. But my husband is a smooth talker. So I could kinda see possibly flirting, he always flirted with girls before we ever got together. I mean he use to get free coffee because all the girls at our local coffee shop just loved him lmao. But he says he doesn't, he also says the waitress also had a wedding ring on. And I kept telling him how a wedding ring means nothing to some people. And he was like yeah but mine does blah blah continues to show me that he couldn't even take his ring off to cheat because his ring has left an indent/tan mark. And I told him again how some women flat out dont care and will cheat even with you wearing it. I was just confused as to why he would randomly tell me all this. Was he just looking for attention or a reaction out of me? Because I was honestly just thinking about throat punching a bitch lol. Whether its him or her.

Well then recently this girl who I'm sure he had a thing with in high school, who wasnt married when we first got married, would always comment/like his shit on Facebook. Which I know could be harmless, but the things she says and likes it's just a little odd/iffy to me. She only likes the stuff he tags me in. Or about our marriage. Well she had got married and it stopped. But now from the looks of her profile she got a divorce, and she's doing it again! My husband doesn't think anything about it. But has talked about her a couple times.

My husband does have a history of saving other girls nudes/having a sketchy app to talk to others when we first got married but when I found it he completely stopped and deleted it all. In the 4 years after that, I've trusted him and never thought about it again. Especially since he has been better about leaving his phone around me where as before he would be super private with it. But I do know he apparently has a private photo gallery because he told me about it when he was taking pictures of me one day. So now just thinking about it I'm curious! Ugh.

Ladies am I honestly being a hormonal preggo or am I maybe on to something here?

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