Is he cheating?

I found this on my hubby phone and I questioned him.(hes the blue convo)

He says shes a coworker and shes cool and I have nothing to worry about.

Questions I asked him

1. Why u have her number? She been going thur some things n he just wanna check up on her

2. Why she asking u where u live? I dont remember

3. What dont she know cuz it look like u deleted the pervious text? I don’t remember

4. Why the FUCK! U calling her my dear? He didnt give answer he starts defending himself by asking y im going thur his phone

Im so over n done wit this shit wit him. I dont no if i shud stay or go. I Believe hes cheating n i dont want to forgive n forget again cuz hes gonna think its okay for him to do it again

I dnt have a job or my own money n we have 2 kids and 1 on the way.

I need to leave but have no where to go. Im not being abused just cheated on

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