Low Morphology and ICSI

Sienna ❄️ • 29 years old, trying with hubby for #1. 1st & 2nd pregnancies were ectopic. FET #1 failed.
A little background. 
We started trying to get pregnant March this year. Had 2 back to back ectopic pregnancies where they could not save either Fallopian tube. So since I no longer have Fallopian tubes our only option now is <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. 
All tests completed for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. 
My results came back with very high cholesterol and the doctor put me on Metformin and he wants me to lose about 10 pounds. (I've already lost about 5lbs, 5 to go!) 
My husband's semen analysis came back great except that his morphology was considered boarderline at 5%.
Due to the low morphology our <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> Doctor is recommending ICSI. We have some reservations about using ICSI as we feel the best sperm is the sperm that can make it to the egg first on its own and that with ICSI they'd just pick a sperm they *think* is good then use a needle to put it in my egg.  
We also don't know the risks with or without doing ICSI. We do have the option to wave the ICSI process but are having a difficult time making the decision. We got pregnant twice on our own with his sperm, we aren't sure if ICSI is really that necessary. 
Please Comment with advice, information, suggestions or your own experiences. Thanks ^.^