I do need help

maegan • Im always here to talk if you need anybody to listen!

Okay so i have 8 days before my period and i had sex before and the day of my expected ovulation on glow and literally three days after ive felt that familiar "morning sickness" feeling from the 5th til today, the 10, i now dont want soda or anything sugary as much as i wanted, my boobs ARE heavier and more sore- after having my son they just got sore with three days before my period but this is heavy and sore sore for the past 4 days now and these cramps at 10 times WORSE than what they usually are like im having contractions, they last for maybe 35 or 45 seconds and go away then come back a few minutes later up to 30 minutes every single day. I spotted ONE pink dot two days ago and i had nothing else, my vagina has been dry like no tomorrow for 5 days and now randomly ive got egg raw discharge- normal and everything but its random. So my question is can implantation bleeding be clear?