Different kind of two week wait

JLC • 32 - wifed up 💍 - TTC baby #1

It’s been a couple years of trying with no success so we finally made an appointment (back in January) to meet with a specialist. Our original appointment was scheduled for June 18th...fast forward to April. They called and had a cancellation so we were able to go in May 7th to get things started.

I have PCOS, I’ve known that since I was 16. Our doctor did an immediate ultra sound to see what my ovaries looked like. They didn’t look like someone with PCOS. It all my blood came back with indicators of it. I had my HSG and everything came back normal (HSGs are not comfortable, but it’s pretty dang cool to see the dye travel).

My husband has amazing counts, except his motility. The doctor didn’t feel like the lab we went to tested in time since everything else was above normal and motility basically was at 0. So he had a full semen profile last week.

Since we finished all of our testing the beginning we started our TWW to see our doctor about the final results and our treatment options. This TWW is almost as bad as the normal one.

We have our appointment on June 18th, so here is hoping for some answers. 🤞🏼🤞🏼