need help please!

a little over two years and we've been through hell and back, break ups, breaks, no cheating. but always manage to find our way back to each other. we've been broken up for two weeks, and im almost 3 weeks pregnant. he was talkibg to this girl until i told her to block him off of every social media, then i went off on him and her. he says hes not talkibg to her anymore, or anyone. i really want him back, this wjole situation sucks. he ignores me sonetimes, acts different with me when hes around his older brother. please do t tell me to leave or call him names or be mean. i need help, i try to give him space but being pregnant is freaking me out. last time i was, last summer i didnt really know and read the test wrong and ended up miscarrying. help please, i need boy and baby advice asap. need all the help i can get!