“Knocked Up”


So I just want to take a second. Today we were hanging out with one of my fiancé’s old friends that came home from a far away job. Everything was going good at first an we went and ate Mexican with him an his new girlfriend. (Note I am 33 weeks pregnant and this is the first time this friend has ever met me & the first time I’ve ever met him) His friends words as we were sitting down to eat & stuff was, “So this is the girl you knocked up huh?” At this point I didn’t know what my SO was going to say because he just smiled and looked at me then looked at him & said, “No; I did not knock her up, I got her pregnant that is my soon to be wife your talking about not some lay down whore”. At this point I’m like oh shit😳, long story short his friend didn’t like the comment & ended up leaving & we ended up stay & having a good night the rest of the night. But on the way home my SO was asking me if I think he over reacted & I told him no but now he still feels bad for saying it so harshly. But I don’t know I think it was bold & sexy that he stood up for me & said it what would y’all say?

Pic just because I love him for what he did tbh!

Update: Thank y’all so much his friend still hasn’t talked to us nor apologized but I showed my other half all y’all comments & he doesn’t feel bad no more & actually likes all the positivity!