Is therapy necessary? I’ve just hit a mental low :(

Please give me any advice you may have, I’m really struggling and have hit an all time low. I lost 20 pounds this year, and I should be so confident! Yet some reason I’m even more insecure than ever before. I cant go a single day where I think negatively about how I look. I absolutely hate my body, I still have a few pounds to lose. After losing weight my boobs sag more than ever. I hate my thin lips and face shape and eyebrows and frizzy hair. Honestly looking at it like this, I literally hate every single part of my body. I just wish I was a beautiful model with a perfect body. Writing this is so hard, and I’m genuinely embarrassed to say all of this because it makes me sound so pathetic. I just dont know how to stop thinking like this and how to get out of this, advice would be greatly appreciated.

I’ve been in a relationship for almost two years. It may help to note that my dad cheated on my mom when I was very young so this may be a stem to some of my problems?? Idk. Anyway, my boyfriend is loyal and would never cheat, he’s never done anything for me to doubt his loyalty. But for some reason I can never fully trust him or anyone. At least twice a day I worry that he will cheat on me or find someone prettier or better than me. When I’m with him and I see a pretty girl walk by or if we have a pretty waitress, deep down on the inside I worry if he thinks she’s prettier than me. When we were out with friends, the topic of celebrity crushes came up. Someone asked him his celebrity crush, which he refused to answer saying “Nobody I dont have one!”. Finally the friend made him think of at least ONE, and when he said it, it ruined my entire night. In the back of my head for the rest of the night I compared myself to her and felt so disgusting and ugly. Yet, when I said mine he was completely unbothered. I just wish that I could be that confident!

One last example of how ridiculous it is: We saw an over sexualized advertisement on TV he said “typical... get an attractive girl and over-sexualize her for money”. He is such a feminist and I should be happy, but the words “attractive girl” made me feel sick. Why is it that the thought of him thinking someone else is attractive makes me so upset? I know that this is not normal. I am just so so frightened of him cheating on me that it haunts me in some way at least once a day.

My confidence is at a zero. I truly see myself as so ugly, and worry that my boyfriend thinks I’m ugly and wishes he had a gorgeous model with a perfect body. If anyone has tips on how to get out of this dark hole I would so greatly appreciate it! I want more than anything to be confident and to stop seeking reassurance from my boyfriend. I hate comparing myself to other women and I just am sick of this inner battle I’ve been having. Please please please dont judge me or call me pathetic in the comments bc I know it’s pathetic I just would do anything to stop feeling this way!