26 weekers

Mrs • Mother of premie twins. Prayers are welcomed.
I'll skip the entire ttc story, but let's just say we have been on a long road. Finally got pregnant with twins!! I had an extremely good pregnancy, no sickness no swelling etc. one week before I had my twins I got my first dose of not great news when I failed my one hour glucose at 24 weeks. On Monday 8/3 I began having pains a few hours after having sex with my husband. I was in pain all night but I didn't know if they were contractions or not. That Tuesday I had an appointment and was immediately admitted because my cervix shortened from 3.5 to .5. So I was supposed to be on bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy. I had no pain Tuesday-Thursday. Thursday night I had some pain, they put me on a monitor and said I had some irritability but wasn't having contractions and babies were not in distress. Also my cervix was still closed. Friday morning I got up to use the bathroom and it felt like a rubber ball was coming out my vagina. Nurse said that was my water sack and I was completely dilated. I was immediately rushed to have an emergency c section. There is my story. I had a 1.7lb baby girl and 1.8lb boy. Both are now on hi flow breathing and weigh 3lbs and 3.34lbs at 33 weeks. We have been in the NICU for 52 days and counting.