Fixing her Melon! 🍉


Hello all! So on Monday we will be getting Esther’s helmet. I’ve mentioned a bit that we have been working towards this, but I can give a recap 😊

2 months: We noticed that she wasn’t turning her head to the right and she was developing a flat spot. We started seeing a chiropractor for the torticollis in her neck and made great improvements!

4 months: Ped ordered an X-ray for her skull to make sure the sutures were still developing right and all looked good. We went to physical therapy and her head was measured. Anything above an 11 on their scale was considered very severe and Esther was a 14.6! We did physical therapy 3 times during the next month. Esther improved to an 11 and was referred for a helmet.

6 months: We had her helmet consultation where more measurements were taken and her head was scanned for the 3D image. Lots of pictures taken as well.

Monday she will get her helmet so I will update with pictures!

I’ve had a bit of having to get over guilt regarding this and worrying about what people will think. But I want her to have a nice round head, so it’s worth it. We are hopeful that she will only need to wear it for a few months!

She was did amazing at her appointment. All smiles still!