I can’t win.

I love my SO. He is such a hard worker. He is a great dad. But, he can be so hurtful. He sees everything black and white, and doesn’t seem to realize I have a baby to care for.

We have an 11 week old baby. I am going to be a SAHM, but for the time being I have to work until we get a health issue resolved. I take my daughter to work with me and also work from home with her. She doesn’t take a bottle at all. Currently, she is going through a leap, which makes her feeding and sleep weird. The past two nights she has been up every hour-two hours. She hasn’t been napping, so she will get overtired and stay up until midnight.

Today, I went to work and came home. My daughter was hungry, so I was breastfeeding her. My SO comes in, and says, “I need you to help me carry this window.” I asked if it could wait until she was done eating, and told him that would be 3-5 minutes. He got upset and then carried the window in himself.

He proceeds to tell me he needs me to come help him cut a board on the table saw. I ask him how long, because I hadn’t gotten to eat yet. He said he would need help in an hour. 15 minutes later he yells for my help. So I stop what I am doing to go do that.

Then, he decides to mow the lawn. Which, I completely respect because he has already worked all day and it is hot outside. However, he was only supposed to do the small project he had just completed. Our daughter was super fussy, but I finally got her to sleep. He had been outside about an hour or so. He comes in and says, “Think I could get some ducking water?”. So I have to put down our daughter who is finally sleeping, to get him some water. I knew she would wake up immediately, and she did.

I am annoyed. I am tired of being talked down to like I do nothing all day. Even when I do something “fun”, I take our daughter. I am always tending to her. He is always working on household projects. Which is great, but sometimes I wish he would help me more. Instead, he makes hurtful comments. Says I “do basically nothing” and gets mad when I can’t immediately help him because I am tending to our daughter. I wish he would realize it isn’t okay to speak to people that way. I don’t want my daughter growing up thinking that is normal. 😞