2 Wondfo Faint Lines?! (Post-Stillbirth Mama)

Ashley • Astrophysicist TTC @ 33. Oliver & Alessa born/passed Sept 2008. Emma born Aug 2010. James stillborn Jan 2015. Sarah born Jan 2017.

Took a test at 11 am this morning. Definite line. The line showed up immediately. No idea how many dpo I am. I took another Wondfo at 10 pm tonight. There’s a faint line there. I trust this one more because the earlier could be dye run. Tweaks for best ones, please! I need new glasses and can’t really tell which are clearer. They’re labeled. We weren’t trying, and have 2 living girls, 1 full-term stillbirth, a 20-week twin loss, and 4+ early miscarriages and I’m super high risk.