I really need some advice

Lillianna • BakWudzGal~@

Baby community isn’t helping me and no one has even seen my post!!!!

Ok so last month had no period, I’m currently 29 days late. My expected af was supposed to be yesterday. Well four days before that I had light pink discharge that only showed twice when I wiped, the first two days before my af. My period have been regular for over a year, no stress, no new job or anything, I’m not sure what’s going on, I’ve been extremely sleepy and when I did have the light pink cm I had lower back pains, but it’s was like between the top of my butt and my lower back, really strange for me, I’m not sure why I didn’t have a period last month. I did test and they was all negative, so I’m really confused, I even went to the we due to my symptoms last month the damn doc tried telling me I could possibly have a uti in a week, and that’s why I had been peeing for three weeks straight like mom stop, which isn’t common for me. This doc then went on and said you have symptoms of dehydration and so on and whatever, the same hospital I’ve been to has always given me an IV and made me sit there, ok I’ve never had so much sweating and night sweats!!! All last month now! All my tests was neg! No one would do a blood test because in the state of ya apparently you have to throw a positive pt to get seen by a doc, or have pregnancy Medicaid, I’m serious at my white end, I want to take another test but I have a feeling it’s just going to be negative, my mom is over 44 and she is just now hitting menopause, which the doctor so kindly at the pregnancy center in my hometown told me that the only real way I could be going through menopause was if my mom had started early to and that it’s usually genetics, I really need some insight because I’m completely lost. I’ve also noticed for whatever reason my left wrist is hurting so bad! And I’m right handed, I’ve been dizzy and I feel like when I wake up everyday I hadn’t had any sleep, this has been going on for the last month in a half now!!! My mom isn’t really being helpful and I just don’t know what to do!!! 😭😭