Freaked out... Not pregnancy related...

Before I fell pregnant I had serious bleeding from the rectum, it was like I was peeing blood out of my rectum *no exaggeration* doctor referee me to a bowel expert for further tests, anyway he reffered me for a colonoscopy to see all my bowel in detail to try and find out what was happening (blood ended up being in stool and they ruled out tears and hemmaroids) anyway, I found out I was pregnant and he won't perform the colonoscopy until baby arrives, haven't had anything for a while apart from the usual pin I get when passing a stool, until today, I'm panicking again, went to the toilet, (I always check now just incase) and there it was blood in the stool 😩 I'm scared again, I don't now why to do because they can't do anything whilst I'm pregnant.... They've ruled out celiac desiease, chron's, IBS, and irritable bowel disease.... I don't now what to do 😭😭😭😭