When you have sex while spotting does it make it go away or make it heavier?

So my cycle is due at the end of this week I am actively TTC but unaware of exactly how many dpo I am I expect that I’m about 10dpo based off the cramps & EWCM (I’ve tracked with opks in the past & always had those exact symptoms when ovulating) anyways last night after a bowel movement I noticed pink spotting when I wiped, this morning I noticed a little pink on the tissue when I wiped again but only when wiping. Me & my fiancé had sex & it completely disappeared it’s been hours. Usually with my period if I have sex it’ll start it but I’m just wondering what happens with you ladies? I pray it was implantation bleeding but I know that’s rare🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

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