What on earth is going on..?

I was 11 days late for my period, it was due in the 3rd. I was super excited thinking this was our month for a baby! I wasted probably 10 cheapie HPT.

It finally showed its ugly head in the 13th and was super heavy and PAINFUL. I bled through a tampon in less than an hour, and I was in so much pain I couldn’t even move. I took a 3 hour nap and then slept 11 hours when I went to bed that night. It was rough..

The second day was still heavy, but the cramps kind of backed off. And then the third was just light spotting and then nothing. And still nothing even now. What on earth???

I was so late only for it to last 3 severely painful days? My periods usually last 5-6 days. Just confused I guess and wondering if this happens to anyone else?